
Download the latest release from here: Releases

Server CFG

## overextended
start oxmysql
start ox_lib
start ox_target
start ox_inventory

## standalone
start mi_items
start mi_world

Creating Custom Fields

In the data/fields.lua, you can add your own farming fields to collect item(s):

    -- location of farm area
    spawn = vector3(2537.595, 4812.296, 33.806),
    -- prop count / spawn size / label from locale
    count = 15, size = 20, label = 'vegetables',
    -- target sprite / sprite color
    sprite = 'fa-solid fa-carrot', spcolor = '#FF922B',
    -- items to give on progbar completion
    item = {
        'ck_potatoes', 'ck_peppers', 'ck_onions',
        'ck_lettuce', 'ck_tomatoes'
    -- type for animation / min & max amount to give
    type = 'normal', amount = { min = 3, max = 6 },
    -- model to spawn / duration of progbar
    model = 'prop_veg_crop_04_leaf', duration = 5000,
    -- general data for list -! [do not touch] !-
    data = { obj = 0, list = {}, set = nil }

Creating Custom Vendors

In the data/vendors.lua, you can add your own farming fields to collect item(s):

farmmarket = {
        -- blip active / sprite / color / scale
        blip = true, sprite = 473, color = 24, scale = 0.6,
        -- blip name
        bname = 'Farmer\'s Market',
        -- menu details
        label = 'Farmer\'s Market', icon = 'farm',
        -- location of vendor
        spawn = vec4(1676.142, 4883.424, 42.060, 59.78),
        -- model of vendor / animaiton
        model = 'a_m_m_farmer_01', scen = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD_FACILITY',
        -- items to be sold
        items = {
            ['ck_potatoes'] =       { label = 'Potatoes',   value = 7 },
            ['ck_peppers'] =        { label = 'Peppers',    value = 9 },
            ['ck_onions'] =         { label = 'Onions',     value = 5 },
            ['ck_lettuce'] =        { label = 'Lettuce',    value = 7 },
            ['ck_tomatoes'] =       { label = 'Tomatoes',   value = 5 },

Last updated