Items Vendors

For all the stuff you needs

Here you can place as many vendors you want to take any item and pay out for any price listed. It takes the total amount of the item in the player's inventory and pays them multiplied by the price you set.

NOTE: Do not touch the data list at the bottom. That is used to count the objects and utilize the list inside it.

farmmarket = {
        -- blip active / sprite / color / scale
        blip = true, sprite = 473, color = 24, scale = 0.6,
        -- blip name
        bname = 'Farmer\'s Market',
        -- menu details
        label = 'Farmer\'s Market', icon = 'farm',
        -- location of vendor
        spawn = vec4(1676.142, 4883.424, 42.060, 59.78),
        -- model of vendor / animaiton
        model = 'a_m_m_farmer_01', scen = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD_FACILITY',
        -- items to be sold
        items = {
            ['ck_potatoes'] =       { label = 'Potatoes',   value = 7 },
            ['ck_peppers'] =        { label = 'Peppers',    value = 9 },
            ['ck_onions'] =         { label = 'Onions',     value = 5 },
            ['ck_lettuce'] =        { label = 'Lettuce',    value = 7 },
            ['ck_tomatoes'] =       { label = 'Tomatoes',   value = 5 },

Last updated