Collection Fields

For all the stuff you needs

Create fields for players to collect just about any item that you would like them to farm for. So far, there are some premade fields but you can add as many as you would like.

NOTE: Do not touch the data list at the bottom. That is used to count the objects and utilize the list inside it.

    -- location of farm area
    spawn = vector3(2537.595, 4812.296, 33.806),
    -- prop count / spawn size / label from locale
    count = 15, size = 20, label = 'vegetables',
    -- target sprite / sprite color
    sprite = 'fa-solid fa-carrot', spcolor = '#FF922B',
    -- items to give on progbar completion
    item = {
        'ck_potatoes', 'ck_peppers', 'ck_onions',
        'ck_lettuce', 'ck_tomatoes'
    -- type for animation / min & max amount to give
    type = 'normal', amount = { min = 3, max = 6 },
    -- model to spawn / duration of progbar
    model = 'prop_veg_crop_04_leaf', duration = 5000,
    -- general data for list -! [do not touch] !-
    data = { obj = 0, list = {}, set = nil }

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